
The O-Shot: Non-Surgical Procedure To Improve Orgasms In Women

An orgasm is “a feeling of intense sexual pleasure that happens during sexual activity. It’s sometimes called coming or climaxing. About one in three women has difficulty reaching orgasm. The O-Shot improves orgasm, libido, and arousal.

The O-shot may also be the answer to a problem plaguing many women, especially those experiencing sexual dysfunction after giving birth. But that doesn’t mean that women seeking the shot should not do their due diligence. The procedure is safe and patients do seem to be happy with the results, with some describing it as “a home run” and “amazing.”

In this procedure, platelets (platelets-rich plasma -PRP) are extracted from the patient’s blood and then injected into an area near the clitoris and an area just inside the vagina — the “o-spot.” Those platelets then stimulate the growth of new cells in the injected clitoral areas, making those areas more sensitive to the touch.


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