
Kybella is made of deoxycholic acid and is used aesthetics to improve the appearance and contour of the neck, jawline, and chin without surgery. Kybella is the first FDA approved medication for reducing the excess fat under the chin also known as submental fat. In the past, the only treatment options for patients were liposuction or neck lift surgery. With Kybella you can now avoid surgery.

On what part of my body can I use Kybella?

Currently, it is used to treat submental fat. That’s the area of fat under the chin, often referred to as the double chin. Excess fat in this area can make you look heavy, look older, and have a displeasing appearance. Excess fat under the chin is not just in individuals who are overweight. It affects both men and women who are of normal weight and it is often that fat that just won’t go away with diet and exercise. If you’re frustrated with excess fat under your chin, you’re likely a great candidate.

How does Kybella work?

Deoxycholic acid is a naturally found molecule of the body. It functions in your body as a natural way to break down fat. Once Kybella is injected, it causes the breakdown of fat cells. Your body then clears away the unwanted fat and breakdown products. The results are long-lasting if you maintain a normal weight.

How is Kybella administered?

The area under the chin is numbed with a local anesthetic. From there the treatment is virtually painless. Kybella is then injected into the fat, similar to receiving Botox or filler injections. The treatment takes about 15 to 20 minutes. You can then resume all of your normal activities. To achieve optimal results, most patients will need two to four treatments at a monthly interval. A treatment plan will be customized for you.

Is Kybella safe?

Kybella has been extensively studied and has been found to be very safe. It also has about a 80% satisfaction rate among patients who have had Kybella treatment.

What happens after the treatment?

Some patients may experience mild bruising, swelling, redness, numbness, or mild pain which will resolve in a few days. This can be treated with mild over the counter pain medication or ice. In exceedingly rare instances it is possible to have temporary injury to the marginal mandibular nerve. This is why it’s important to have the treatment performed by an expert in the field of cosmetic surgery.


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