Apex WeightLossMD
Apex WeightLossMD takes a medically-informed approach to significant weight loss and sustainable weight management. By utilizing hCG weight loss protocol, we help women and men reach their weight management goals.
Weight Loss Solutions for the Cary and Raleigh, NC, Area
Apex WeightLossMD takes a medically-informed approach to significant weight loss and sustainable weight management. By utilizing hCG weight loss protocol, we help women and men reach their weight management goals. Apex WeightLossMD is supervised by a board certified physician. Online retailers may offer oral and injectible hCG at low prices, but these retailers often take advantage of dieters by selling a substandard product, or taking payments but never shipping the product at all. Only an appropriately licensed medical practitioner can prescribe medical-grade hCG to clients. A weight loss program is most effective when you have the support of a dedicated team every step of the way.
Our medical director and board certified physician, Dr. Lanford Peck, will guide you through each aspect of your program. In addition, our entire weight loss staff is well trained and ready to support you. Throughout your program, you will be followed closely by Dr. Peck and our team to ensure you reach your weight loss goals.You will be seen weekly during your treatment phase to review your overall progress, and if you ever have a question or concern, you can call our office and we will walk you through various options. If you are serious about making a positive change to your health and body, our experienced and professional staff is ready to assist you in achieving your weight loss and management objectives.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is hCG?
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. HCG is a glycoprotein hormone which is produced in the pituitary gland of males and females of all ages and is produced in high levels during pregnancy. During pregnancy, this hormone allows the body to metabolize fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This acts as a “fail-safe” mechanism when energy is needed immediately. For weight loss, we use a very small amount of hCG to capitalize on this same mechanism to burn off excess stored fat, thus sparing muscle and bone.
Am I a candidate?
Generally speaking, most men and women can use the hCG protocol, however this is a medically-supervised protocol and our medical director will evaluate each patient individually to decide if he or she is a good candidate. The hCG protocol is not for everyone. If you have more than 15 pounds to lose and need help speeding up your metabolism to do so, this may be just what you have been waiting for. It’s very important that any use of hCG be medically supervised by a licensed physician. At Apex WeightLossMD, our board certified physician will perform a comprehensive history check and a physical examination on each potential weight loss patient before recommending the hCG weight loss protocol. A baseline blood test will also be performed before starting the diet program, to ensure that the patient is a suitable candidate. We want to emphasize that this is a personalized, medically-supervised diet protocol, and your health and wellness are our biggest priorities.
What else besides hCG is included in the hCG diet program?
In addition to hCG, a combination of other vitamin complexes and supplements are included in the hCG diet protocol at Apex WeightLossMD. This combination is important for boosting energy levels, enhancing fat metabolism and excretion, and decreasing any adverse effects of the hCG diet. The supplements and vitamins used at our center are effective and safe, but the exact combination and frequency of use is proprietary.
How does the hCG Protocol work?
HCG acts as a safety net for the body during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman’s caloric intake falls too low, the body senses an emergency and sends a message to pull fat from the body’s reserve fat stores (adipose tissue). These reserve fat stores provide an excellent source of energy. HCG does not affect structural fat, necessary fat around our vital organs, our eyes, and around muscle tissue. In order to get the body to sense that there is an “emergency,” hCG dieters follow a very low calorie diet (VLCD), consisting of foods that do not trigger the body to stop metabolizing fat. When followed properly, the body will release extra calories to supplement the caloric intake from the VLCD. This specialized hCG and diet protocol will result in a large excess of calories being utilized daily, which translates into rapid but safe weight loss. Often individuals on the hCG protocol, supervised by a trained physician, can lose 20 to 30 pounds in just 30 days, while still feeling satisfied and energetic.
Why is the hCG that is sold online much cheaper than the hCG provided by a physician?
There are numerous websites that sell hCG, but the substances being sold are often manufactured in foreign countries without any safety regulations. This hCG is most commonly homeopathic, meaning it contains only a miniscule amount of the actual hormone and therefore is not as effective. In some cases, this “internet hCG” contains no hormone at all and may even contain dangerous additives which can be very harmful to the unsuspecting buyer. As a rule, it is never a good idea to purchase hCG on the internet. Medical-grade hCG can only be prescribed by a licensed physician.
How long will I be on the hCG diet?
The duration of the diet will be determined by how much weight you want to lose. For patients who want to lose less than 30 pounds, dieting usually lasts for less than one month. If more than 30 pounds of weight loss is desired, the duration of the hCG weight loss program may be longer.